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Preacher   I   Teacher   I   Speaker   I   Psalmist   I   Author



Since the fall of man, it has been the devil’s job is to keep us ignorant about who we legitimately are. When we don’t fully know and understand our true purpose and what we possess within, we become susceptible to the devil’s tactics, and end up living beneath our privilege. For inside every believer is the kingdom of God; but in order for the Kingdom to be evident, the believer must maneuver or function in this realization. And the method on how to function in this manner is written so evidently in God’s Word.


All we have to do is know what He says concerning us, then declare it over our lives. Yes, we must pronounce emphatically from the depths of our souls, what we know. Therefore, what we know is key. And this book will give the necessary information to introduce to some and refine for others what you know…in order to change the way you think. For the Bible says, "as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he (Proverbs 23:7)". The Bible also says that out of the abundance of our heart, the mouth speaks (Matthew 12:34). This teaches us that who you are is directly linked to what you think and what you speak. So, the conclusion of the matter is this: what you think and speak, is ultimately who you will become. 

I AM is an in-depth, step-by-step action plan, complete with a study guide, to becoming who you were originally created to be. So, begin your journey today. Greatness is waiting!



Stacee Carr is a native of Clinton, NC. She has received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology from N.C. State University, a Master’s of Education degree in School Counseling from Campbell University, and a Master’s of Theology degree from North Carolina Theological Seminary.

Elder Stacee is divinely connected to the Pastoral leadership of Bishop Varnie & Co-Pastor Idella Fullwood in Clinton, NC; where she serves as an Associate Pastor, Praise & Worship Leader, and Armor Bearer. Elder Stacee loves the Lord and His people and is committed to serving Him through preaching and teaching, not just through her mouth but also with her lifestyle.


Having a strong passion for ministry, writing is one of several abilities God has gifted her with in order to enlighten, empower, and strengthen ALL people. From an early age, Stacee found a joy in writing, including poems, songs, short stories, and even plays. It is her desire to use this gift as another route to serve God and His people.

Stacee is married to her best friend Associate Pastor Richard, and together they have 2 wonderful children.

In The Press


In her profound treatise of spiritual self-help simply titled, "I AM", Elder Stacee Carr outlines, defines, expounds upon, and reinforces the concept of becoming who God says we are. She dispenses with the excuses and provides scriptural and practical proof that we were designed and created by an omnipotent God who has endowed us with the spiritual wherewithal to walk in the fullness of Christ in the natural and the supernatural. A must study for every born-again believer and today’s progressive Christian church!"

Dr. Janice Carter Brown

Preacher, Teacher

Founder and CEO of Living Word Dynamics, LLC 

Author of "Dusty Roads - A Poetic Walk on this Woman’s Journey" and "Farther Along on this Woman’s Journey"

We are living in a society that it is imperative that, you not only know thyself, but most importantly, know who God - our creator - say that we are. This prolific book “I AM” goes into great length and depth to inform you of the subject matter “I Am”, as to what God says about you. Being that Jehovah is our creator, who He says we are is critical to our future and in particularly our destiny! This book carries a special anointing that enables and empowers a person to be all that God say that they are. It has the unction to generate competence, confidence and confirmation. It is embodied with the favor and Grace of God which give you a mindset and strong belief that “I Can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthen me."

Bishop Varnie N. Fullwood, Sr. Ph.D

Preacher, Teacher, Mentor, Author

Chief Apostle & Presiding Prelate of ENCMF

Senior Pastor of Mt. Pleasant Church

Founder and President of North Carolina Theological Seminary

On a journey trying to find ourselves, we can easily get lost in believing culture, people we seek approval from, and even the voice of our own insecurities. But who better to believe about who we are than the very One who created us? In "I AM", Stacee Carr shares a heartfelt message that is relatable and passionate teachings that are biblical, and she points us back to the only source to trust for our identity -- Creator God!"

Elder Paris A. Faison

Preacher, Teacher, Speaker

Mt. Pleasant Church

Clinton, NC 

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